Banbury Physio and Pilates

Ante- and Postnatal Pilates
The benefits of Modified Pilates in Pregnancy
•Pre-natal conditioning of pelvic floor
•Improved postural awareness
•Improved spinal and pelvic stability
•Reduced pain
•Improved posture
•Maintenance of flexibility
The important areas that will be focused on are good posture in standing and sitting, and pelvic floor muscle training. I will also teach you about your deep core abdominal muscles which act as a natural corset to support your spine during pregnancy. During your pregnancy your spine requires all the protection it can due to the weight of your growing baby. Your posture and centre of gravity alters, and your muscles/ligaments can become looser and therefore weaker. It is therefore vital that the exercise you choose is both safe and effective. I can also advise on and adapt exercises for those suffering from Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and general pelvic pain.
I will set a plan with written exercises for you to practise on your own. Careful consideration is always given to each individual throughout their sessions and where necessary, modifications and alternatives are put in place.
Relaxation is another rewarding part of the Pilates sessions, and may even be of benefit during your labour. Taking part in Pilates during your pregnancy will provide you with a sense of well being and confidence throughout your pregnancy.
As with any exercise, it is advisable to discuss this with your GP especially if you have not done any exercise previously.
Benefits of Modified Pilates after Pregnancy:
•assistance with weight loss
•increased fitness
•maintenance of bone density
•psychological well being
•reduced anxiety and depression
•assistance with muscle tone and strength.
Once you have completed your post-natal check up and have the all-clear from your GP you can commence post-natal Pilates. An initial assessment will involve a discussion of your pregnancy, the delivery of your new baby and the outcome of your post-natal check-up. A health questionnaire will also be completed to ensure your safety.
During your Pilates sessions, we will spend time focusing on your postural alignment throughout the exercises. Attention is also given to pelvic floor strengthening and encouraging the deep core muscles (transverse abdominus) to activate under your control. Posture will continue to be an important focus due to tension build up around the shoulders and neck, especially from carrying a baby. It is important for you to practise relaxation and breathing techniques so that you can feel calm and rested. Everything you learn and practise in your Pilates sessions will assist you in your day to day living. A written exercise programme will be provided.
I currently offer home sessions - this can be 1:1 or small groups (maximum 4 adults) or classes as below:
- Wednesday's 11am-12pm at The Jubilee Park Hall in Bloxham. Babies welcome until they are crawling
My training has been with the APPI who only allow qualified health professionals to train with them. This ensures that you will be taught by someone who fully understands the musculoskeletal and neurological systems within the body.